DRBA Founded in 1839...

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 885, Halifax, VA 24558


Founded in 1839 with 11 churches, the Dan River Baptist Association now has 32 churches that have united to advance the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The Dan River Baptist Association believes the Church must embrace the message of the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. In order to achieve this, the Church must provide a more aggressive leadership role in the renewal of our community.

As a result, the Dan River Baptist Association shall forge new partnerships to advance Christ’s kingdom. By partnering with others outside the Dan River Baptist Association, we can help our community as a whole. We believe that as we share the challenges with hope, together, we will make a difference.

The 32 churches that compose the Association have joined in a common effort to accomplish its vision.

The Association is an autonomous body that is self governing and operates without any outside directives, but has chosen to partner with other entities. 

We have partnered with the Southern Baptist Convention to work in cooperative endeavors. 

All of the churches in the association have chosen to cooperate with either the Baptist General Association of Virginia (state convention), the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia (another state convention), or the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.